Falling in Love

I played football all through my junior high and senior high school years. I really had fun and learned a lot about team or being a part of a community that has one purpose. I remember one rainy night, we were playing Ozark. We had been backed up about 15 yards outside our goal line and it was time to punt. Our coach called a fake where I received the ball and slipped it under the legs of another running back. I ran the right play but all the blocking and the other running back went the opposite way. I was tackled immediately. An example of what happens when we all aren’t doing what we are supposed to do.

The community of believers, the church, is much the same way. Jesus says in John 13:34 that he’s given us, his disciples, a new command to love each other just like He’s loved us. The Greek word used there is agape which means unconditional love…no strings attached. Jesus says the world will know we are followers of Jesus when we love unconditionally.

Agape means “I love you in spite of…”. In spite of the hurtful words you said or the way you treated my spouse. In spite of you neglecting my children by not inviting them or in spite of the lifestyle you choose instead of what I think you should have chosen.

You see, that is how Jesus loves you. He loves you in spite of the sin in your life. He loves you in spite of the poor decision making that has plagued you. He loves you in spite of you being you. Paul reminds us of that in Romans 5 where he says, “God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.”

So he calls us to imitate him and when we do, the world will take notice. They will see the beautiful story of Jesus through our actions and words. “Love people as I have loved you.” When we decide to love no matter what, then we know God and our life becomes a beautiful representation of how we have been loved by a beautifully risen Savior.

Beautifully together

I love watching “How It’s Made” on Discovery Channel. Learning how things work is interesting. Every part has it’s place. Without a given part, proper function cannot be achieved.

The church is the same. Each and every one of us who call ourselves followers of Jesus has been given a gift. Some of us have multiple gifts. Each of us are called to use our gift to build up the church and be a light on the hill, pointing people to Jesus.

Regretfully, some of us are content with sitting on the sideline, allowing other followers to do the work of making disciples and serving those around us. Paul tells us in Romans 12, “Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, so it is with Christ’s body. We are many parts of one body, and we all BELONG to EACH OTHER.”

Paul continues this idea in 1 Corinthians 12 when he says, “a spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other.” Did you hear that? Each of us should be serving one another in love. Each of us should be in the game. Each of us need one another. If you are simply showing up on Sunday morning and not involved in using your gifts in ministry then you aren’t fulfilling your calling through Christ.

If each of us buy in to the life Jesus has called us, then we have purpose and help those around us. So, what do you believe your gifts are? How do you think you can be involved in the story of God? Write down three things at which you believe you are good. Then, ask three close friends in your life to tell you what you are good at as well (only one of those three can be a family member). Compare your list. My guess is a least one of the things on all those lists will bubble to the top. Dig in and help tell the story of Jesus. Today is tomorrow. You can do it.

Crazy for Jesus

Paul says in 2 Corinthians 5:13-14, “If it seems we are crazy, it is to bring glory to God. And if we are in our right minds, it is for your benefit. Either way, Christ’s love controls us.”

As we discover how we are called to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, we are reminded that the world thinks we are crazy for following Jesus. Each of us are commissioned as disciples to live each day giving God glory through our words and actions with every fiber of our being. So, how are you living out your love with Jesus through your emotions, your thinking, your spirituality, and your physical life?

In his books, “Love Does” and “Everyone Always”, Bob Goff shows how he has decided to be a light on the hill for Jesus be standing for children’s rights all over the world and taking on witchdoctors in Uganda, Africa. He’s using his law degree and his heart to show his discipleship.

You and I may never go worldwide with our message of Jesus but what about your own community? How are you showing the love of Jesus at your workplace, in your school, in your neighborhood, with your family and friends? But, who’s to say you couldn’t go worldwide to share the message of Jesus using your gifts? Anything is possible with God!

So my encouragement to you this Monday is that you get risky! You step out. You make a decision today to do something crazy for Jesus! The world is in desperate need of the light you hold within you. Don’t wait. Get your journal out right now. Write down ways right around you that you can use your giftedness to make a difference for Jesus Christ.

I want the world to know that Jesus is more than a formula. I want them to know I’m a satisfied customer. He can and will change your world for the better. He already has so let’s show the world we are a little crazy…for the one who did something extraordinary for us! May the Spirit guide you and direct you. May the peace of Christ live in you. May your light shine brightly!

Listening to God

Take a moment and time yourself. Sit quietly for 3 minutes, eyes closed, center yourself trusting God will place some word or phrase on your heart. God does interact with us all the time. We many times do not take the time to listen. How do you create space to hear from God? How packed is your day with extra items? When have you intentionally created margin in your day to hear from God?

James, the half-brother of Jesus, says in James 4:2, “You want but you don’t have, so you scheme to get it. You are jealous of others but you can’t get it. You don’t have what you want BECAUSE you don’t ask God for it.” And if you’re in dialogue with God, he’s going to answer you in some way.

As disciples of Christ, you and I are called to create the conditions on our end to hear God’s voice in our life. So, what are some ways I do that? Even though I’m a pastor and am constantly working on the “next sermon”, I have my own personal Bible study to hear God’s voice through scripture. I have a persistent prayer life, almost never saying “amen” because as I think, drive, walk, I’m praying. I keep a journal and write down spiritual and life thoughts as the week rolls on. I do my best to surround myself with positive, spiritual-led people so that I stay focused and encouraged. I create space for silence meaning no radio, no podcasts, no talking, no social media…just empty space to hear God speaking to me.

Paul calls us to be “transformed” (Romans 12:1-2). Stop putting it off. It’s time to create the space to be transformed into the beautiful creation you were meant to be in Jesus Christ. May God bless you as you start this journey toward a life with margin to hear God’s voice speak into your life.