I am a Disciple

I went to basic training in the Air Force in January 1989. When I arrived at Lackland AFB, I was green and not worth much to the military. But after weeks of training, the drill instructor had stripped away the “old Tim” and a new person graduated.

I many ways, that’s what Jesus does for us. Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 5:17, “…This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” When we follow Jesus, we are new disciples.

Now a disciple is a little different than a “Christian”. In our current culture, so many people call themselves Christians but have no fruit to show they are. When you are a disciple, well that goes a little stronger and deeper. Take when Jesus calls Matthew to follow him in Matthew 9:9-13. Jesus doesn’t say, “Come be a Christian.” Jesus says, “Come be my disciple.” The word Jesus uses is “Mathetes” in the original language. That word means pupil, student, follower, disciple. So Jesus is saying, “Come learn from me and do what I do.” It’s more than just a name, it’s a lifestyle change.

So when we hear the call of Jesus and begin following him, we are more than just Christians, we are disciples. When you know who you are, you will know what to do and how to live. You’ll be a person who lives like Jesus, talks like Jesus, treats others like Jesus did, and loves people like Jesus did.

As a disciple, you will find a need and meet it. It’s what Jesus did in his every day life on earth. In Matthew 19, he’s teaching in the town square when some parents approach with their kids. The disciples try to keep them away but Jesus stops teaching and calls the kids to him so he can bless them.

In the upper room during the last supper in John 13, after everyone has arrived for the festivities, Jesus notices no one remembered to get a servant there to wash people’s feet before dinner. So, despite his position, Jesus got down on his knees and washed the dirty feet of those who followed him.

After his resurrection, Jesus in seen on the beach of the Sea of Galilee. The disciples thought he was dead so they had gone back to doing what they knew to do: fish. They had been at it all night and dawn was breaking. Peter looks and notices Jesus standing beside a fire on the beach, jumps out of the boat and swims to Jesus. Jesus had done some so simple for his boys: built a warm fire and cooked breakfast for them.

If you are a follower, a disciple of Jesus then your life is no longer about you but about being like Jesus and serving those around you. At that last supper in John 13, Jesus reveals how the world will know you follow him. Jesus says, “By the way you love each other is how the world will know you are my disciples.”

There are some reading this that just need to keep doing what you are doing. You are living into the call to look like Jesus. Some of us have a foot in the water checking to see if you want to go in. It’s time right now to jump in with both feet. Some of us need to get off the sidelines. Your family needs you to participate in the call of God.

Together through the Spirit’s power, we can unite to be Jesus in our community, schools, workplaces, and neighborhoods. As Jesus’ disciples, we are called to look and act Jesus everyday. This year, right now, it’s time to wear the title “disciple” and be Jesus to those around you. Blessings on the journey.

Finding Your Way

Ecclesiastes is the perfect book of the Bible for our current cultural times. King Solomon, the wisest man to ever live, is looking back on his life and offering sage advice for the people who are listening to him. In Ecclesiastes, Solomon will help all of us answer two questions that we all have: What’s the meaning of life? and What’s my purpose on earth?

Each of us get so caught up in the rat race of gathering “stuff”. We do things in our life that we think is going to fulfill us and satiate us. We amass money, relationships, sexual encounters. We get caught up in food, alcohol, pills. We think all of these things will satisfy us. Solomon says he’s tried all of that to the “nth” degree and all of that isn’t it.

Solomon was so rich and powerful, he had the ability to pursue every possibility to find joy and happiness in them. At the end of his life, with all of his life experiences, he lets us know as we are on life’s journey, we could do one of three things on the road we travel on.

If we are not careful, we could end up in the ditch of fatalism, believing nothing really matters. You can try to fill your life with money, sex, substance, or the party scene because you’ve resigned yourself to nothing really maters. But Solomon is telling us, he’s tried all of that and it’s like chasing the wind.

He says we could also wind up in the ditch of humanism which just makes everything about me. It’s an egocentric lifestyle that screams my weekends are about me, my relationships are about me and my goals are just about my self-fulfillment. This way of life says we are out to tantalize all five of our senses. It’s about self-actualization. But Solomon says God wants to get you off that hamster wheel.

Each of us have a God-shaped hole within us. That space draws us closer to God when we let it. And when we decide God’s call overrides what the world says, we begin walking on the road of faith.

Solomon is telling us, he’s tried everything and the only thing that brings joy and happiness, the only thing that satisfies, the only thing that affirms our purpose is God. No amount of money, sex, pleasure or prestige will ever amount to what God will do in our lives.

A.W. Tozer wrote in “The Pursuit of God”, “It is not what a person does that determines whether their work is sacred or secular. It is WHY they do it. The motive is everything. Let a person sanctify the Lord God in their heart and they can thereafter do no common act.”

You don’t have to have 14 degrees or a boat load of money to have purpose. You don’t need to find importance in your relationships or power in your sexual exploitations. You don’t need to be a king or president to find significance. You simply need to follow God.

It’s in God you’ll find purpose and meaning. It’s in him you’ll discover peace and a life that is satisfying. Don’t chase the wind but chase after the God who created you and loves you. Blessings on your journey.

The Moment You Think...

You have a comeback story of some kind. Maybe it was a moment you stood up to the bully on the playground. It might have been a business venture that turned around because of a decision you made. Maybe you repaired a relationship because of the words you chose to say. We’ve all had moments when we had a come back. But the most incredible come back of all time would be Jesus being killed then rising from the dead.

When Jesus died, the disciples thought it was all over. They were there when he was arrested, beaten, crucified then place in a tomb. There was no question, he was dead and gone. Can you imagine what when through their minds on Friday night and all day Saturday? They thought they had wasted 3 years. They were confused, heartbroken, lost. God had forsaken them.

That may be the way you feel in your story. You are working through the failed marriage, the loss of a career, a horrible doctor’s report or a moment where you are living with depression and darkness. But like the disciples, while you may be living in a valley moment that feels like Friday and Saturday, know that Sunday’s coming.

Then there’s the moment you start to believe things are actually different than you first thought. When you’re talking about dying then rising 3 days later, well that’s a tough story to hear. Some of us believe in Easter but more of a family holiday or a church ritual, not necessarily that Jesus rose from the dead. But the disciples realized it was true! They bet their very lives on it.

Did you know the apostle Paul reminds us in Ephesians 1 that the very power that raised Jesus from the dead lives in you as a believer. Think about that for a moment. The incredible true story of Jesus rising from death is your story as well. Just like Jesus, you can rise from your difficult story because you believe.

Then finally there’s the moment your celebration begins because you know it’s all true. Jesus appeared from between 1-500 people after his resurrection. The disciples are told to wait in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit to indwell in them and that’s exactly what happens. We know they were different acting people because of the power of Jesus. In Acts 1, we see a scared, fearful, chaotic group of followers. By Acts 2 after the Holy Spirit comes, the disciples are bold, preaching publicly, and convicting others by their lives.

So no matter where you are in your story, know you can rise through the power of Jesus. In Him, you can have life and life to the full. You can lay your burden down and celebrate in the arms of a risen Savior. But it’s your choice. Choose life and life in Jesus. Blessings on the journey.

Can I Make a Difference?

We’ve all had moments in our lives when we said something like…”More than anything else, I want to _______.” For each of us it’s something different. I wanted to walk on to a University football team in Arkansas in 1986, but once this 140 pound dude saw that the biggest guys on the team could run as fast as him, I decided my football playing days were over. The window had closed on my opportunity to play.

If we aren’t careful we can think like that as well when it comes to our spiritual journey. Take a look at the Apostle Paul in the New Testament. In Acts 7-9, we read about a guy named Saul (who later will be renamed Paul) who is killing Christ-followers. He feels compelled to dismantle the church and erase the Name of Jesus from every mouth in Israel. But Paul has an experience with Jesus on the road to Damascus to arrest Christians and his life is changed forever. He turns into the most prominent Christian in church history.

If we listen to what our enemy thinks about us and not to what God has said about us, we can say we missed our chance to be a participant in the story of God. We can become a spectator rather than a participant. The great thing about God is no matter how young or old you are, God will use you in his story. No matter your skin color and the size of your bank account, God will use you in his story.

Sometimes we listen to those who’ve known us well. The voices tell us that we’ve ruined our reputation because of past choices so God could not possibly use us. We might say, after my abortion or divorce or addiction or issues with lust and pride, God doesn’t want to use me. But the very thing you believe is keeping you from God’s story is the very thing He will use in his story to draw others to him.

Sometimes we don’t participate because we don’t know where to start. We don’t do anything because we don’t know what to do. We see others are great speakers or terrific leaders of women. Some are great teachers or singers. We compare ourselves to others and disqualify ourselves. But we are called to use any gift or talent we have to the glory of God.

As we reflect on what we are doing in Kingdom work, I reflect on Paul. He was the ISIS of his day, killing people who loved Jesus. I think if God can use a man like Paul, He can use me in his story too. So know the widow is not closed on your usefulness. You have not done anything in your past to disqualify you from being in God’s story. You have more to offer in Kingdom work than you realize. So, get busy. It’s time to make a difference. Do something. Realize the time we’ve been given to share Jesus is really short. You can do this. He has got you. Blessings on the journey.

What is a Priority?

Growing up, I seemed to butt heads with my dad. He was trying to be a father who was guiding me and I was playing the role of the stubborn son. I remember saying one day, “I want to make my own mistakes. Thanks for sharing your life experience but I am not you.” I ignored wisdom and paid the price.

There’s no doubt you’ve had similar experiences. Someone tried to warn you…tell you…explain to you how to be better in life but you had your own plan, your own agenda. But what I have discovered in life is that what you put first in your life will determine where you end up.

Many of you have seen or read Alice in Wonderland. There is a point in the story where she’s in the woods and at a crossroads. This is where she meets the Cheshire Cat. Alice asks, “Which way should I go?” The cat asks, “Where do you want to go?” Alice replies, “I don’t know.” To which the cat says, “Then one way is as good as another if you don’t know where you are headed.”

Jesus reminds us as Christ-followers what’s a priority and which way we should be headed. It’s during his famous Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 6 when Jesus says, “You can’t serve two. You’ll hate one and love the other. You cannot serve God and everything else.” You see our priorities will determine the path we take. And Jesus reveals a couple of things in Matthew 6:25-33 that are important as we better understand priorities.

First, he reminds you that God sees you. Not in a scary way but a comforting way. You have celebratory things and difficult things in your life everyday. You’re working in a career that doesn’t suit you anymore. You have a difficult marriage. Your parenting skills are being challenged. You have a gambit of emotions you work through with your friend group. But Jesus reminds us that worry doesn’t have to win. Jesus tells us when we choose worry, we are choosing the way of the world.

You see, God sees the birds and takes care of them. But God sees you too and aren’t you more valuable than birds? When we have faith in God to take care of us, we will be on the road of peace and not panic.

But equally, God cares about you too. Whatever brings tears to your eyes, know God sees that too. What Jesus tells us in this text in Matthew is that God is FOR YOU! We know this….Jesus changes everything!! The people who worry or have an anxious spirit are not living in Jesus. In fact, Jesus calls folks living like this pagans and unbelievers.

Right now is our chance to really shine for Jesus. We want to be different than the world recognizing God will provide all our needs. So, how ARE we different? Are you more focused on your new home rather than your new neighbors? Are you more concerned with the latest tech gear than being in God’s Word? Are you distracted by putting more stuff in your house and keeping up with the Joneses? Is your priority becoming Instagram famous? If Jesus is saying these things are not your purpose as a follower of him, then what is your purpose?

Jesus reveals that in Matthew 6:33. He says, “Seek the Kingdom of God above all things, live in such a way that it gives God glory, and everything else will be given to you.” Remember, God is our father and He knows what is the best wisdom for the best life we can live. Seek God’s will and desire first then live it out in your life and everything else will be given to you.

May you bring the kingdom to your home, your work place, your neighbors. May your light shine in traffic, at the grocery store and Wal-Mart. May you see your purpose in seeking Kingdom right where you are and living out how God has called you to live. Blessings on your journey.


If you’ve read my book, Beautiful Interference, then you’ve read the story about me and a friend hiking in Colorado. We wanted to hike Mount Beirstadt and Mount Evans the first week of June. We found our entry point, parked the SUV, and started down to the valley floor. These two Oklahoma boys were not ready for the thin air and the June weather.

We crossed the valley floor and began our accent up Beirstadt. We were exhausted and out of water by the time we summited so we decided to go back to the car. Only problem was, once on the valley floor, we could not find which gorge we came down and it had already started snowing.

With patience and a lot of lucky guess-work, our tired, oxygen-deprived bodies found our way back to the SUV.

Spiritually speaking, that’s what happens when we get off the path as we follow Jesus. We have these grand ideas of how things will go but the minute we step away from the safety of Jesus, everything goes chaotic. The Apostle John calls us to stay focused on Jesus, to stay on the path and don’t let anything distract you from leaving the safety of Jesus.

In 1 John, John tells followers there are three things that can pull you away from following Jesus closely. John writes in 1 John 2:16 that “pleasure, possessions, and pride” can lure you off the path that Jesus is on. He reminds us there is a epithumia or hyper-desire in all of us that we must keep in check. Our hyper-desire must be Jesus above all else.

Pleasure could be just about anything. Sexual pleasure is the one that comes to mind. We all as humans have a desire for instant gratification. Inappropriate relationships with people outside our marriage, dangerous late night excursions on our computers to sites that should be untouched by Jesus-followers, and lustful thoughts should be things we must guard against as we follow Jesus on the road.

Our possessions can get the best of us. Collecting things is the American way and if we are not careful, those shiny things will pull us away from our commitment to follow Jesus. There is nothing bad in and of itself about owning things but when we make that the center of our life and our focus, that’s when we know we’ve left the road of Jesus and are on the road the world offers.

Finally pride and ego will get the best of us. Our pride ends up being all about us. I get prideful of my race or skin color. Right now across America, ethnic pride is at an all time high and it creates resentment of other people who are also made in God’s image. Our socio-economic pride can cause us to look down our noses at folks who don’t have as big a bank account as we do. My achievements equally can make me puff out my chest in comparison. But all my degrees and awards mean nothing when falling the risen Savior.

May your shine like Jesus. May the “shiny” things the world offers pale in comparison to the Son of God. May your hyper-desire be for Jesus and him alone. Don’t get detracted by the world. It will all fade away. But God and his desire will live forever. May you find the courage to stay on the path and shine like Jesus! Blessings on your journey.