I am a Disciple

I went to basic training in the Air Force in January 1989. When I arrived at Lackland AFB, I was green and not worth much to the military. But after weeks of training, the drill instructor had stripped away the “old Tim” and a new person graduated.

I many ways, that’s what Jesus does for us. Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 5:17, “…This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” When we follow Jesus, we are new disciples.

Now a disciple is a little different than a “Christian”. In our current culture, so many people call themselves Christians but have no fruit to show they are. When you are a disciple, well that goes a little stronger and deeper. Take when Jesus calls Matthew to follow him in Matthew 9:9-13. Jesus doesn’t say, “Come be a Christian.” Jesus says, “Come be my disciple.” The word Jesus uses is “Mathetes” in the original language. That word means pupil, student, follower, disciple. So Jesus is saying, “Come learn from me and do what I do.” It’s more than just a name, it’s a lifestyle change.

So when we hear the call of Jesus and begin following him, we are more than just Christians, we are disciples. When you know who you are, you will know what to do and how to live. You’ll be a person who lives like Jesus, talks like Jesus, treats others like Jesus did, and loves people like Jesus did.

As a disciple, you will find a need and meet it. It’s what Jesus did in his every day life on earth. In Matthew 19, he’s teaching in the town square when some parents approach with their kids. The disciples try to keep them away but Jesus stops teaching and calls the kids to him so he can bless them.

In the upper room during the last supper in John 13, after everyone has arrived for the festivities, Jesus notices no one remembered to get a servant there to wash people’s feet before dinner. So, despite his position, Jesus got down on his knees and washed the dirty feet of those who followed him.

After his resurrection, Jesus in seen on the beach of the Sea of Galilee. The disciples thought he was dead so they had gone back to doing what they knew to do: fish. They had been at it all night and dawn was breaking. Peter looks and notices Jesus standing beside a fire on the beach, jumps out of the boat and swims to Jesus. Jesus had done some so simple for his boys: built a warm fire and cooked breakfast for them.

If you are a follower, a disciple of Jesus then your life is no longer about you but about being like Jesus and serving those around you. At that last supper in John 13, Jesus reveals how the world will know you follow him. Jesus says, “By the way you love each other is how the world will know you are my disciples.”

There are some reading this that just need to keep doing what you are doing. You are living into the call to look like Jesus. Some of us have a foot in the water checking to see if you want to go in. It’s time right now to jump in with both feet. Some of us need to get off the sidelines. Your family needs you to participate in the call of God.

Together through the Spirit’s power, we can unite to be Jesus in our community, schools, workplaces, and neighborhoods. As Jesus’ disciples, we are called to look and act Jesus everyday. This year, right now, it’s time to wear the title “disciple” and be Jesus to those around you. Blessings on the journey.

Be Influential.

Almost every American has some type of social media platform. It may be Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X). We do our best to stay informed about who is doing what and we want the world to know what we are doing so we post. We hope our postings gain followers so that our influence will be felt. But whether or not you have a platform, you have influence.

You have no idea how one conversation, one word of encouragement or one expression of love can change someone’s life forever.

Jesus calls those that follow him a couple of things: salt and light in Matthew 5:13-16. Salt purifies, preserves and adds flavor. Light a match in a dark room and it illuminates. So, as people who believe, Jesus says you have influence. Each of us have a circle of influence in our lives. These are people you have access to and no one else does: family, friends, neighbors, coworkers. Jesus is reminding us that influence always starts with people, never a platform.

So, read the story of Jesus’ interaction with a woman who was not wanted or seen in her community. She was broken, messed up, divorced 5 times, shacking up with her boyfriend and a community outcast. Yet, Jesus interacted with her and in doing so, unlocked her ability to influence others for Jesus. That story can be found in John 4 and it’s a wonderful reminder to all of us, God only uses broken people in his story. You don’t need anything but Jesus.

By the end of the story in John 4, this woman that her community had kicked to the curb brought the entire village out to meet Jesus. And the story ends by saying many of them believed in Jesus as the Messiah before he left the village. It just goes to show you, no matter what you have done, no matter where you have been, Jesus can use you in his story.

This is a season of giving upon us. So it’s our opportunity to be Jesus to those around us and show them how Jesus can change their lives for the better. It’s a chance to be salt and light in your life. You don’t need 4000 followers to be an influencer, just focus on the one person standing right in front of you. Blessings on the journey.

"You'll Never Change"

You have probably heard that lie, “You’ll never change”, about you in your life. Maybe from a parent or a coach or a teacher or even your pastor. You and I must discern between what is truth in our life and how the enemy lies to us about who we are. You and I must concede that God and his truth can and will set us free.

For several years, I was part of an American Civil War reenacting group called the Trans-Mississippi Rifles (that has nothing to do with gender identity, by the way). We were attached to the 3rd Louisiana infantry and “fought” for the South. Our U.S. Civil War pit us Americans against ourselves and for some reason we like to replay that.

We are spiritually in a civil war as well. We are fighting with who we are and whom God called us to be. Paul talks about his personal frustration with this civil war in Romans 7:15-19. You can just feel his frustration in the words he pens. “We don’t do what we want to do and the thing we don’t want to do, we do.” So how do we overcome this within ourselves?

Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 10 that we demolish the stronghold Satan has on us by taking our thoughts captive for Jesus Christ. We make our thoughts and then actions obedient to Jesus. And when we take every thought captive, the walls will fall. For some reason, we believe Satan and God are equally matched but NOTHING is equal to the power of God’s love for us.

Proverbs 4:23 says, “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.” In other words, protect what you think about or dwell on each and every day. Whatever you’re allowing into your thinking will direct your attitudes, emotions, and behavior. Paul tells us in Romans 12:2 not to conform to the world’s way of thinking but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. So to do this, I want you to think about a couple of things.

First, think process, not perfection. Becoming more like Jesus doesn’t happen overnight. But use this metric…am I different as a follower of Jesus than one year ago? Since the first of 2024? Have a changed any since summer began? You’ll want to do some investigation in yourself to see if you are growing spiritually. We’re all in process. Even the Apostle Paul says that in Philippians 3 about himself.

Now we are justified or found to be righteous the moment we say “yes” to Jesus. But sanctification or becoming more holy and like Jesus is a lifelong process. We are made right through Jesus immediately upon making him our Lord and Savior but our journey is a life-long process.

Secondly, think God’s power, not your own. That word “transform” in Romans 12:2 in the original Greek is in passive form meaning we don’t do it to ourselves, it’s done to us. There is power with filling our minds with Godly moments and thoughts.

One final point. Paul tells us something so important in regards to power. Our enemy, Satan, gets us so busy and distracted we forget about the power of God in our lives. But Paul reminds us in Ephesians 1:19-20, “I pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms.” Wow! That kind of power lives within you if you’ve said “yes” to Jesus.

Jesus came to set us free. He’s come to give you life. He’s come to empower you. He’s come to change you. And if you will let him, your life will never be the same again. Blessings on the journey.

Starting Anew.

So what’s my new beginning?

After ten+ years at a local church, I’m starting today at a new church in a different part of the metro area.

New beginnings can be fraught with uncertainty but they are also filled with incredible joy and possibility. Think a new job, a new relationship, getting married, new house, new baby. All pretty exciting stuff.

Here are some of my initial thoughts on new beginnings.

You see possibilities and opportunities.

Possibilities and opportunities are everywhere. This is an incredible feeling! The problem is sometimes we just don’t see them either because we are either stuck in a rut, too scared to move out of our comfort zone or feeling pessimistic.

After months of prayer about where God might be leading my wife and I, we realized it was time to help others with Kingdom work. Through the process, the Holy Spirit confirmed over and over, God was still going to use us in Gospel work. We are blessed to be starting this new work today!

New beginnings are all about seeking out new opportunities and truly opening ourselves up to new adventures. Fresh starts allow us to see the world and often ourselves in a new light.

You see a clear path forward.

New beginnings give us a chance to work towards what we really want. They give us a chance to let go of the past, focus firmly on a bright new future, and commit to moving forward in leaps and bounds.

Fresh starts are a great time for reflection but more importantly for planning, goal setting, and for having fun at the moment!

You appreciate the wonderful things already in your life.

I have a lot to be thankful for. Great friends and mentors. So many people who believe in me despite what one or two believe about me. Health and mobility. A dynamic partner in my wife, Robin. Two sons who I couldn’t be more proud of. A new staff who are over-the-top excited about Robin and I joining them on staff. God is good.

Even though I haven’t had a lot of time for blogging lately (due to closing out my ministry and creating space to start a new one) I now have a renewed passion for my blog.

Now thankfully I am ready to learn and reestablish some rhythms. My mind is up and running and fully engaged to possibilities. My creative mind is clicking back into gear and I’m ready to dive back into writing and creating.

Granted new beginnings can be a little scary, but there’s no doubt they can also be magical, exciting, joyous, and thrilling!

Like everything else in life, it all depends on how you choose to look at it. What new beginning are you excited about? Whatever you are anticipating, God has this…He’s got you. So be adventurous and daring. Take the step you’ve been hesitant taking. Know that He has wonderful things in store for you. Blessings on your journey.

Be Influential.

My wife and I enjoy watching the TV show, “Dancing with the Stars”. In the current season, they have several “influencers” on the show from Jojo Siwa to Oliva Jade, Amanda Kloots to Suni Lee. All of them have a massive following. Their comments and interests are influencing people all over the world to make choices and not always good choices.

As disciples of Jesus, we are called to be light and salt. Jesus uses those metaphors in Matthew 5:13-16 to tell us we are called to make a difference in the world. The truth is, we never know how one conversation, one word of encouragement, or one expression of love could change someone’s life. You are influencer.

While social media influencers use a platform to use their sway, followers of Jesus recognize that people always come before a platform. Here’s what’s cool about that idea. Each and every one of us have a sphere of influence. Each of us have a friend group, a family, a work place, a neighborhood. Each of those groups of people are subject to your influence.

There’s a great story about Jesus in John 4. The most unlikely influencer is this Samaritan woman Jesus meets at a well outside her village. She’s there mid-day, which is not normal for gathering water. We find out she’s been divorced 5 times and is shacking up with her boyfriend. Her town wants nothing to do with her. But once she realizes who Jesus is, she goes back to the town that doesn’t want anything to do with her and calls them to “come and see” Jesus.

They all come out to meet Jesus and the story tells us many of them believed in Jesus. Now this is so encouraging because it reminds me I don’t have to have it all together to point people to Jesus. We can be broken, messed up and an outcast but be an influencer for Jesus. You don’t need a theological degree or be an awesome prayer warrior…you just have to know Jesus!

You don’t need a platform with 1000s of followers. You just have to care about the person standing in front of you. Who does God use? Not Instagram stars or YouTube gurus or superstar athletes. He just uses normal, everyday, ordinary people like me and you.

You never know how one conversation, one encouraging word or one expression of love can change a person’s life. Go be light. Season those around you with salt. Blessings on the journey.

Bold is more than a coffee

We all have our idols. People we think are incredible at what they do. The greatest of all time is the phrase we give them. There is a debate about whether it’s MJ or LeBron for basketball. For me and football, it has to be Barry Sanders. He’s the 1988 Heisman trophy winner who played at Oklahoma State University (my alma mater). But no matter what you think, Jesus surpasses EVERYONE in every category as the only one who matters.

When you read Acts 4 and discover how the first century church felt about him and how Jesus changed all of them to care about each other, it’s clear Jesus is all powerful. He can do things to change you for the better. At the end of Acts 2, the church was devoted to each other, performed great works together, met together daily, shared everything they owned, sold things and gave money to the poor, shared life together and changed neighborhoods and towns together ALL in the Name of Jesus! Jesus changes everything and for a few reasons.

Jesus is the only one who reigns. Based on Acts 4, you can put followers of Jesus in a box but you’ll never put Jesus in a box. At the end of Jesus’ time on earth in Matthew 28, Jesus reminds us all authority and power has been given to him on earth, above and below the earth. Daniel 7, the prophet points to the future saying Jesus will come and every nation, every language, every skin color, political party, NFL team…will fall down and worship him.

And Jesus is the only who is worthy. Jesus is the cornerstone for all things new. That first century church believed Jesus as the answer for everything. They were committed to him. Some questions we should ask as we start this new year: What would give Jesus glory in my life? What should I do right now with my talent set? How can I be light? How can I be an encouragement to my family? How can I reaffirm folks at my workplace? How can I be Jesus?

And finally, Jesus is the only one who saves. People were looking at the disciples and were amazed. They were doing extraordinary things even though they had no education. They were changing the world because of the power of Jesus. They realized “there is no other Name by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). Because of that truth, the group of believers turned their world upside down for Jesus.

That is our call as well…to be the light wherever we are. To be a representative of Jesus and proclaim his power in word and action. That’s the challenge in 2020. To be bold for Jesus. Stop at nothing to share what He’s done for you. Don’t let anything deter you from being the person God created you to be in his son Jesus. Blessings on the journey.