What You Got There?

So one day a rich man goes off on a journey. Before he does, however, he asks three of his servants to invest his money. Two of them go away, use their entrepreneurship to double their investment and return their boss’s cash with more besides. He’s overjoyed, of course, because this is a substantial sum of money. Everyone ends up celebrating.

Everyone, that is, except the third servant, who, for reasons of his own, disobeys his master and buries the money in a hole. His employer is, not surprisingly, unimpressed.

That’s how the Parable of the Talents goes, and the interpretation is evident – God entrusts us with resources, talents and relationships and we’re supposed to use them to further his Kingdom. There’s a responsibility here, and that’s a lesson the third servant learned to his cost.

Hmm. The third servant. Traditionally the third servant is the point of the story; he disobeys his master and pays the price – he was given a talent, worth twenty years’ wages, so we’re not talking peanuts here. This makes the parable a warning, and it partly is, but there’s a danger in taking that too much to heart – after all, should serving God become a duty we reluctantly carry out simply because we’re afraid of the consequences? Or does that just make the attitude displayed by the third servant a self-fulfilling prophecy? The third servant sees his master as harsh, judgmental and unfair, and he acts appropriately – or does he? If the master is really that bad, why didn’t the servant at least make an effort?

See, his boss points out that he could have just put the money on deposit and earned some interest. Instead, the servant went to the trouble of physically digging a hole and dumping the money in there. It almost sounds like it was harder work to not make a profit.

So what if the servant’s assault on his boss’s character is really just a cover for his own apathy? Is there any objective evidence that the master is the unreasonable badass he’s made out to be? Or is the description provided in verse 24 just an extension of the servants own heart, much like the elder son’s attitude towards his father in the parable of the Prodigal Son.

Let’s try looking at things from the perspective of the first two servants, because there are actually two gifts on display here: not just the money itself but also the opportunity to use it to build a Kingdom. It’s this second gift that reveals the hearts of the servants and their attitudes towards God. The third servant couldn’t be bothered and the Kingdom is smaller as a result. The other two servants, however…

We’re entrusted with so much and most of it can be used for the benefit of others and as an extension of our relationship with God. After all, he invites us to work with him to build a Kingdom that isn’t just in the future, isn’t just up on a cloud somewhere but here and now. That’s a huge privilege – the sums entrusted to the servants are insanely extravagant and so are the profits. That money in your account, that thing you can do better than anyone else, the circumstances you find yourself in? Their value can be incalculable when approached from the perspective of God’s Kingdom.

So let’s not just read this parable as a warning. Let’s see it as an invite. God gives us a talent or five and asks us to build his Kingdom. That might be sharing his story, it might be digging a well or running a soup kitchen or becoming a voice for the oppressed. It could be a thousand and one things but a single fact underlies them all – God gives us the chance to build a Kingdom. That’s an incredible honor.

So, let’s not get apathetic and start throwing the things we’re given into a hole somewhere. Let’s use that with which we’ve been blessed to achieve something that will echo into eternity. Be alert and look around for ways to use whatever God has gifted you with. Blessings on the journey.

Take Over the Garden.

Jesus told them a parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field.” (Matthew 13). Jesus tells a seed parable—this time about a mustard seed. It is among the smallest of seeds.

We tend not to like things that are small. In many ways, we think “Bigger is better.” The person with the big house and big bank account is seen as more important. The larger the portfolio or the position in society, the more attention we give and get. Everyone wants to be part of something big. Small is not valued, not to be taken serious. Small is inconsequential. 

Though the mustard seed was the smallest of seeds known to Jesus’ listeners, what would it do? Jesus said, “When it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree.” Surprise! The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed. The kingdom of heaven may present itself like a small seed, but it has the potential to grow huge—and even to spread everywhere.

We might think that the efforts of people presenting the kingdom are insignificant, but let’s not overlook God’s power potential. We are called to marvel at even the least presentation of the kingdom—to marvel and wonder what power and potential God has poured into it.

In your own life, you may believe your particular giftedness is not worth much…it’s small and inconsequential. God has given each of us a Kingdom gift. Paul reminds us that we are ALL part of the body of Christ, each of us having a part to play in Kingdom work. So, do not think you are not worth being part of the story God is unfolding around you.

Remember that God changed the course of history with just a few believers, who shared the good news of Jesus with ­others, who spread it further and further. And you can be that person, that believer who is also taking the commission of Jesus seriously and using what you have to tell the story of God. Don’t be shy. Plant your seed and with the power of the Holy Spirit, watch it grow. Blessings on the journey.


Have you ever given a gift that was not received like you thought it would be? You had a purpose for the gift but the one to whom you gave it saw it differently or had a different experience than you’d hoped. I once received a remote control airplane from an uncle but try as I might, that thing never flew. The gift was given with one expectation which was not realized by me.

When Jesus came to earth as a little baby, it was a gift with purpose from the Father but we, his creation, never saw the gift in the way he wanted. The expected Messiah was not met with fanfare and glory but was simply born in a barn. The Christmas story that we’ve heard so often had an incredible story line. A baby boy was born to two peasant Israelites. The teenage mom, pregnant before marriage, had a very short engagement. The explanation of how she was pregnant seemed so unbelievable. The only visitors on the night of birth were smelly shepherds who had an unimaginable story of how angelic hosts told them to go worship the new king.

But what does the story of Jesus’ birth mean to us? His name, Immanuel, literally means God is with us. How comforting. How warm. How beautiful. We have a Savior who understands our trouble and our life. He’s been there and experienced all the life has to offer us. He is God among us. He’s made some important promises to us and we serve a God who keeps promises!

In Matthew 28, Jesus promises he’ll always be with us. God told us in Hebrews 13, He’ll never leave us nor forsake us. John tells us in John 1, Jesus became flesh and moved into our neighborhood. Jesus is with you. He knows you by name. He wants to journey with you.

Sadly, some don’t believe God’s promise. There are things in their life that veil this truth. Maybe it because you did what you were supposed to and got that degree, put your resume out there, networked but you still have no job. It could be you stayed pure until marriage but there is still no baby crying down the hallway. It’s possible you will go home alone tonight because Mr. or Mrs. Right has not appeared on your horizon. You sit in an office and the doctor tells you the cancer has returned. More than likely, you still bear the shame and guilt of past mistakes because you have not yet laid them at Jesus’ feet.

Whatever the veil, however you have taken the story, no matter what other people tell you, you have a Savior named Jesus who wants to have a relationship with you! You have a God who left the glory of heaven to live and die on this earth so that he could be with you. Jesus has given you the greatest Christmas gift of all time. He’s given you hope, love, forgiveness, grace and mercy. He loves you. Don’t wait to unwrap him. He’s waiting for you with open arms. Jesus is the reason for the season. So embrace Immanuel…He is Jesus…He is God with you. Blessings on your journey.

Open the gift!

There was one Christmas when I was young and lived in Tennessee that was the most awesome. I came into the living room on Christmas morning to discover I had received so many great gifts from Santa. But one was a full sized GI Joe. He could hang on to a zip line and travel across the room. There were many other gifts but I remember that one most.

You know, there are some gifts that seem intangible…not right in front of you and obvious. Some gifts are actually with you. Sometimes we don’t even know it.

We all have been gifted by the Holy Spirit. However, sometimes, we fail to open and use the gift we’ve received. As a follower of Jesus Christ, we are called to use our giftedness for his glory and story and not keep our gift wrapped.

Paul says to the church in Corinth, “There are different kinds of spiritual gifts…a spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other.” (1 Corinthians 12:4, 7). Paul goes on to list some of those gifts which include teaching, leading, helping others, healing, speaking different languages. These gifts are for building up the church and those around us according to Ephesians 4.

So, do a self inventory. What are you passionate about? How could that give glory to God? In what ways would your gift or passion help those around you? It’s time to be brave and courageous. It’s time to sit down, unwrap the gift, and start using it in your life and the lives of others. Don’t hold back. Jesus will give you the courage and ability to use what he’s given you.

Paul says in Ephesians 4:16, “Jesus makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.” May God continue to bless you on your journey. Grace and peace.

Crazy for Jesus

Paul says in 2 Corinthians 5:13-14, “If it seems we are crazy, it is to bring glory to God. And if we are in our right minds, it is for your benefit. Either way, Christ’s love controls us.”

As we discover how we are called to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, we are reminded that the world thinks we are crazy for following Jesus. Each of us are commissioned as disciples to live each day giving God glory through our words and actions with every fiber of our being. So, how are you living out your love with Jesus through your emotions, your thinking, your spirituality, and your physical life?

In his books, “Love Does” and “Everyone Always”, Bob Goff shows how he has decided to be a light on the hill for Jesus be standing for children’s rights all over the world and taking on witchdoctors in Uganda, Africa. He’s using his law degree and his heart to show his discipleship.

You and I may never go worldwide with our message of Jesus but what about your own community? How are you showing the love of Jesus at your workplace, in your school, in your neighborhood, with your family and friends? But, who’s to say you couldn’t go worldwide to share the message of Jesus using your gifts? Anything is possible with God!

So my encouragement to you this Monday is that you get risky! You step out. You make a decision today to do something crazy for Jesus! The world is in desperate need of the light you hold within you. Don’t wait. Get your journal out right now. Write down ways right around you that you can use your giftedness to make a difference for Jesus Christ.

I want the world to know that Jesus is more than a formula. I want them to know I’m a satisfied customer. He can and will change your world for the better. He already has so let’s show the world we are a little crazy…for the one who did something extraordinary for us! May the Spirit guide you and direct you. May the peace of Christ live in you. May your light shine brightly!