Who are you?

I’ve had moments of pause. Moments when I thought, “Why am I here?” or “What am I doing?” I have had to rethink and reformulate where I was going and who I wanted to become because I didn’t like who I’d become. I’ve recognized along the way, I did not have the right systems and habits set in my life so that they would lead me to a place I was proud to be.

As I looked at other people whom I admired and respected, I recognized that behind the scenes, they were doing things no one else saw that moved them in the direction they wanted to go. After all, successful people do consistently what most of us do occasionally.

Most of us want to do well but there are some things that create an unsuccessful attempt to be the people we are hoping to live like. One of those things is that we tend to focus on the “what” rather than the “how. James Clear says in his book, Atomic Habits, “Winners and losers generally have the same goals. Goals don’t determine success. Systems determine success. You don’t rise the level of your goals; you fall to the level of your systems.”

So think through it a moment: you want to be a better friend but you don’t consider all the small things needed to accomplish that. You want to lose 20 pounds but haven't considered the need to change eating habits and working out.

We also don’t see progress fast enough so we don’t think those small things matter in life. We wrongly conclude small good decisions don’t much matter so we give up on the small habits that will eventually make us successful.

The truth is, life is the sum total of all the small decisions you and I make every day. Rarely does one decision wreck our life. But those small, everyday habits…those small daily disciplines give you the edge to become the person you want to be. It’s the things that no one sees that bring results everyone wants.

So, who do you want to become? I’d love to be a real solid man of God…a Proverbs 31 woman…a Godly spouse…an incredible parent to my kids…financially free…radically generous with my resources…physically fit…a bold witness for Jesus at work and in my neighborhood. See, our identity shapes our actions and when we discover who we are, it changes everything.

Paul tells us in Romans 6 that in Christ, we are redeemed, forgiven, new, adopted, children of the Most High God and that we can do all things through Christ who gives us the strength. See, a healthy identity creates the positive habits that bring us closer to God and closer to the person we really want to become.

As you create those positive, Godly habits one by one, know God will empower you to accomplish and become more like his Son, Jesus, everyday. Blessings on the journey.

Time is Most Valuable.

I’ve been financially broke before. I’ve spent all my money but then had the opportunity to go make some more. I’ve also spent my time unwisely. But I could not get that time back. Time is important. You only have so much of it. The Apostle Paul knew that and said in Ephesians 5, “…be careful how you live. Don’t live like fools, but like those who are wise. Make the most of every opportunity…Don’t act thoughtlessly, but understand what the Lord wants you to do.”

I find more and more, I do not have much margin in my life. I pack so much into every day, that there are times I never really sit down. I don’t want to miss anything so I really schedule the day, hoping to grind as much out of the day as possible. We have become an overloaded people. It seems to be the disease of our time.

But God didn’t create us to be stressed out, burned out and spent. We are limited creatures and when we understand that, we may find healthier ways to live into the life God has given us. Our time on earth is so valuable. The writer says in Psalms 39, “Remind me Lord that my life is a breath compared to you.” So because God has created us to live into His story, there are some important things to remember as we move into summer and beyond.

First, make God THE priority in your schedule. God wants to be more than part of your life—He wants to be your life. Jesus understood that and lived that everyday. During Jesus’ ministry, he was surrounded by turmoil, stress and anxious personalities but he was never spent. How did he do that? Mark 1:35 reveals it. At the front end of the day, Jesus spent time alone with God his Father. You and I would do well to follow his lead.

I mean, like Jesus, every single day, you have people coming to you. Whether you are a mom, dad, business leader or friend, there are people coming to you every day, just like folks come to Jesus for help. So, to gain wisdom and a quiet heart, find God at the front end of your day to ask for help and discernment during your day.

Also, learn to say “no” so you can say “yes” to the things that actually matter. We look at each other’s social media feeds and desire to do what everyone else is doing so we add that onto what we are already doing which leads to a massively packed day. Look, if you don’t align your spending with the money you are bringing in, you could end up broke. But if you don’t realign your time to what’s manageable, you will be broken.

Paul knew that in 1 Corinthians 10 when he said, “You say, “I am allowed to do anything”—but not everything is good for you. You say, “I am allowed to do anything”—but not everything is beneficial.” So learn to say “no”. It’s okay to create some boundaries for healthy living.

Finally, get the proper context for your life. We think we have more time than we actually do. Moses knew something about time. He wrote about it in Psalms 90 when he says about God, “From everlasting to everlasting, you are God.” God owns everything, including time. And somewhere between our birthday and our death-day, we are living out our dash…our life.

So the call is to use time wisely. Every day, discover how you are intersecting in the story of God. Learn what it means to create margin in your life to connect with God. This summer, the Holy Spirit has an incredible story for you. Live in such a way that you don’t miss your connection with God. Blessings on the journey.

Always On Mission.

We have all been on trips. Vacations, trips to the lake, and to see a relative in another state. And in the process we usually need some kind of map to get there. Back in the day, I used a big Altas map and we did the journey looking at a paper map. Today, just plug in the destination to Google maps and it figures all that out for you.

Acts 1, Jesus is going back to heaven and he’s meeting with the disciples to commission them and encourage them to witness everywhere for the cause of Christ. Just like he calls us to witness wherever we are. We are always on mission no matter where we go.

So let me encourage you to always be present. Jesus has passed the torch to us as his followers to reveal the light to those around us in a dark world. Many times, we wait until the moment we can have a “big splash” but the truth is Jesus is present in all the small things we do to be like him every single day. We are able to live out that calling because the Holy Spirit lives within us. It’s in his power that we live everyday to the fullest.

I want us to be prayerful. That first century church was always in prayer. As you read through the book of Acts, the church was constantly in prayer for guidance and wisdom. So this summer, our prayer needs to be that God would open our eyes to see the world as He sees it. Then, we would be active in his story.

Finally, be perceptive. You will find yourself in all sorts of places this summer so have your eyes open to where God has you placed. Seeing how God is working is a discipline. So slow down and be aware of people who cross your path and the locations you find yourself. Jesus said the most important thing in Matthew 22 is to love God and love people. So let’s make the most of every opportunity we get this summer. Blessings on the journey.

Be Wise and Live Generously.

Over 800 times, the Bible points to our need to think about how we use our resources. Jesus parables are almost 40% focused on how we use money. In Luke 12, Jesus tells the story of a man who is selfishly focused on building bigger and better, not really worried about anyone except himself. Jesus calls him a fool.

In America, we are a wealthy nation and as disciples of Jesus, we should consider others and our own families in how we use the resources God has blessed us with. The average person in the world makes about $2 a day. Out of 195 countries, only one holds 30% of the world’s wealth…it’s the United States.

And we know God is not opposed to people having money and comforts. All through the Bible, God’s story is full of people God uses to promote his agenda. People like Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Folks like Joseph, Cornelius and Lyda. There are many well-resourced people who have been a part of what God is doing in the world.

As we move toward a less restricted time from our COVID event…as we move toward a summer of travel, vacations and renewing our relationships…let me give you some practical advice about how a disciple of Jesus should interact with the resources God has given.

One fundamental idea is to stay away from debt when possible. There’s not one place in the Bible where God blesses someone and used debt to do it. Now, there are moments when we need to. Not many of us can purchase a house outright but there are some questions you need to ask yourself before you purchase big-ticket items. Questions like:

  • Do I have $1000 in an emergency fund? Do I also have 3-6 months of salary saved up?

  • Can I put down between 12-15% on a house purchase?

  • Do I have enough cash to cover closing costs and moving expenses?

  • Is the house payment 25% or lower of my take home pay?

  • Can I afford a 15-year note verses a 30-year note?

How do you know if your credit card spending is out of control?

  • Are you paying for groceries, utilities, or gas with a credit card?

  • Have you consolidated credit card debt with a personal loan but not cut up the cards?

  • Are you hiding a credit card from a spouse?

Also, be a good manager. Get on a budget right now if you are not currently on one. If you don’t have a budget, you can end up any where. Discover how you are spending money and create a plan to get your spending under control.

And be wise with your spending. You can live above your means which almost means you’re always going into debt. Living within your means which can bring some peace because you are spending what you are making. And then there’s living below your means. This way, you always have money left over at the end of the month. That money can then be used for retirement investing.

Right now, the average monthly payment of a new care is $563 a month over 70 months. Imagine if you bought used and then invested that monthly payment into a mutual fund over your lifetime. Depending on the funds you invested in and the length of investment, you could have between $3-7 million to retire with. The 10-10-80 rule is a good foundation to use. It means 10% of your income goes to God. Then next 10% is for saving and/or investment. Then you learn to live on 80% of your take-home.

Finally, Don’t wander from God with your resources. Make him the priority in your life and God will take good care of you. That’s what Jesus says in Luke 12. You may be sitting there thinking, “I am such a loser. I haven’t done any of this”. But this is not about beating you up. It’s just reminding us that today is a new day and you can start today living differently with how God has blessed you. When you do make God the priority, there is less anxiety, less worry and more kingdom work you can do. Blessings on the journey.

How to Know You're Edging God out.

Warning signs are important: a light on your car’s dashboard; the sound of a siren behind you when you are driving; distant thunder before a storm hits. Doctors take your temperature and blood pressure to look for warning signs about the state of your health. We also must check for signs to alert us that our hearts may be out of alignment with God.

What are the warning signs that we may be falling into the trap of pride or fear? And what safeguards can we put in place to prevent this from happening?

During a session in which he was receiving counseling, a pastor expressed excitement about his transition to executive pastor of a multisite church. His wife, however, had recently pointed out to him that his tone was curt, and his patience was short. She told him his “inner grump” was alive and well. He acknowledged that this was his typical first line of response to challenging circumstances: he was afraid that he was not good enough to do everything the new position required.

His counselor had noticed that, as he was initially describing the situation, almost every sentence he spoke had begun with I. The heaviness in his voice indicated he felt great pressure to have all the answers and to not disappoint anyone: “I’ve got to . . .” “I can’t let people down.” “I have to work long hours, and my family doesn’t understand.” The I factor warning sign was there, suggesting that this pastor was depending on himself instead of on God.

What about you? 

Listen for the I factor in your conversations. Note any words or thoughts that depict you as less than (fearful) or more than (prideful). Notice whether you too often direct a conversation back to yourself or you interrupt someone’s story to tell your own. Are your conversations laced with Imy, or me? Are you others-focused or self-focused? If the latter, consider this a warning sign that you may be on the path to Edging God Out.

The following true story tells of an encounter between Abraham Lincoln and one of his army officers.

During the Civil War, President Lincoln was visited by Colonel Scott, a commander of the troops guarding the capital. Scott’s wife had drowned in a steamship collision in Chesapeake Bay. He had appealed to regimental command for leave to attend her burial and comfort his children, but he was denied. He took his request to Secretary of War Edwin Stanton, who also refused. In his ultimate appeal, Scott was the last visitor allowed to see Lincoln in the presidential office late on a Saturday night.

As Scott recalled, Lincoln listened to his story and exploded. “Am I to have no rest? Is there no hour or spot when or where I may escape these constant calls? Why do you follow me here with such business as this? Why do you not go to the War Office where they have charge of all matters of papers and transportation?”

Scott told Lincoln of Stanton’s refusal. The president replied with equal fervor that, during this time of war, everyone had burdens to bear. He sided with Stanton and denied Scott’s request. Lincoln again suggested Scott go to the War Department, and if they didn’t help him, Scott was to bear his burden until the war was over. Colonel Scott returned to his barrack, brooding.

Early the next morning Colonel Scott heard a rap at the door.

It was the president. He took Scott’s hands and apologized, saying, “I had no right to treat a man with rudeness who has offered his life to his country, much more a man in great affliction. I have had a regretful night and now come to beg your forgiveness.” He had arranged with Stanton for Scott to go to his wife’s funeral.

We are prone to making poor decisions when we are Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired. So we need to HALT when any of these factors are present. Take time to give your answers and measure whether or not you are in the right frame of mind to make decisions and interact with others. Always remember, it’s the Holy Spirit leading us to great and wise decisions, not ourselves. Pause and reflect before every interaction. Blessings on the journey.

Things Graduates need to know...(and the rest of us too)!

Yesterday, we celebrated our high school graduates at our church. It’s always an exciting chapter turn when teens leave the proverbial nest and spread their wings and fly. Those of us who are down the road further always impart wisdom, hoping they will learn from us who have made the mistakes and want to save them the heartache. But the advice is good for all of us, no matter where you are in life. So much truth rings well if we’ll just listen.

Above all, remember, people matter.

Treat people well, not because they’ll always treat you well, but because it’s the right thing to do. This includes never stepping on anyone to step up. If you do, you’ll probably hit them again on your way down.

There honestly are very few rules.

You don’t have to go to college to be successful. You can live virtually anywhere. You don’t have to get a desk job at a big company. The longer I live, the more I realize that most of the rules we consider to be written in stone aren’t even written down.

Be completely transparent.

People don’t like what they don’t understand. Conversely, people accept what is clear. Don’t hide from reality. Speak truth into peoples’ lives. You may catch some backlash occasionally, but the people who matter will respect and cherish you for it.

Never stop learning.

Learning creates knowledge. Knowledge creates expertise. Expertise creates value. You don’t need a teacher. Read a ton and ask smart people hard questions. There are two things people love: 1) being asked for their opinions, and 2) surrounding themselves with people who want to grow.

Create value.

You aren’t entitled to earn anything. Money is one form of stored value, and it’s transferred when value is created. Figure out how to add value to other peoples’ lives and you’ll discover riches for you too.

Your network is vital.

Who you know is important. Who you matter to is even more important. Create lasting relationships by helping others, who will eventually help you. Organize those connections (I like LinkedIn), and work to maintain the relationships.

Study successful people.

Successful people figured something out. Work to figure them out. How did they become successful? What steps did they take? You’ll often find those “overnight sensations” worked hard for a very long time. Look for someone whose work or lifestyle you’d like to emulate; don’t spend time trying to replicate success you don’t even want.

Never operate from a position of fear.

Fear causes strange and terrible things to happen. It will force bad decisions, impair your logic, and drive you to behave irrationally. It also makes things seem far worse than reality. Remember, true love drives out all fear.

Be humble.

Oscar Pistorius made it to the semifinals of the 400-meter sprint in the 2012 Olympics without either of his legs. Mark Zuckerberg is a self-made billionaire at the age of 28. Even if you kill it, you’re still not Overlord of the Universe. Don’t act like it. Cockiness is a career killer. Be humble and kind.

If you do your best to emulate Jesus’ life, you’ll be well on your way to having everything that matters in this life and the next. May the Spirit lift your sails; may God light your way; may Jesus be your hero. Blessings on your journey.


When you have young children and you and your spouse are going out, kids have questions. “When are you coming home?” “How long are you going to be gone?” “Where are you going?” They have some angst, some worry, some concern. They want to know, how do we get along without you?

I’m guessing the disciples felt the same when Jesus said he was leaving and going back to the Father. And to top it all off, Jesus says in John 16:7, “It’s better that I go away so I can send the Holy Spirit…” Really!!!! It’s better to be without Jesus than with him? Jesus is saying, “It’s better to have God IN YOU than God with you.” Jesus has promised not to leave his followers alone like orphans but the Spirit of God will always be in us for multiple reasons.

When the Holy Spirit is present with us, He convicts us of our sin. Jesus tells us that in John 16:8. The Spirit reminds us we need a savior and his name is Jesus. There are moments we are convicted to say something different or do something different. Some call that our conscious but that’s the Holy Spirit reminding us there is a better way.

How many of us who follow Jesus have spent 6 minutes hammering out a FaceBook response but before we hit send, we deleted it and just said “okay”? How many of us have been tempted to “set someone straight” but held the words back and just smiled? Those moments are Spirit-driven moments where he is guiding us to be more like Jesus.

And the Holy Spirit also confirms our salvation in Christ. He is constantly affirming us to God the Father, reminding us that we are his children. The Apostle Paul tells us in Romans 8 that our spirit joins the Holy Spirit affirming we are God’s children and also in Ephesians 1, Paul uses adoption language to remind us we are God’s sons and daughters.

Finally, the Holy Spirit comforts us in all our troubles. Jesus called him an “Advocate” in John 14 which can also be translated “comforter”. The Spirit provides us the peace that passes all understanding. And you’ve watched other followers of Jesus bear up under enormous pressures. You think that there is no way you could handle what the world is throwing at them. But yet these followers have smiles and joy and forgiveness and a peace. It’s because the Holy Spirit is with them and they are comforted despite the despair.

So how do we connect in such a way as to allow the Spirit to give us that peace we long to have? Well, you certainly have to be intentional about the relationship. You have to place yourself in a spot where you can experience and feel the “wind” of God. So rather than constantly being on your social media, carve out some intentional time to be present with the Spirit. Instead of right before bed and right when you wake up needing a screen in from of your face, why not create quiet moments to be still before God?

The truth is when you’re intentional about the relationship, you don’t get more of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit gets more of you. So the challenge is to carve out time everyday to be in the Word, to be in prayer, and to be receptive to the Spirit of God in your life. Don’t do it tomorrow; start today. Blessings on your journey.


You remember back in high school when you were dating someone you thought might be “the One”? You might have given them a promise ring to say I am telling you now I will be yours. Most of those promises went unfulfilled.

But as children of Light, we’ve been given a promise that will be guaranteed every single moment. It’s the promise of the Holy Spirit in our lives. The Apostle Peter, when he preaches on the day of Pentecost, moves the crowd so deeply they believe. And truth is, Peter didn’t move them, it was the Holy Spirit in the moment that swayed the crowd to believe the words of Peter about a risen Savior.

So, when they asked Peter, “What do we do?” (Acts 2:37) Peter says they need to repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of sins and they would receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Can you imagine…the power of the Holy Spirit living within to guide you, steer you, help you, counselor you…be your friend? What a wonderful gift!!

All through the book of Acts, we see baptism paired with the receiving of the Holy Spirit. Baptism is that surrendered moment when you participate in the death, resurrection, and rebirth with Jesus (Romans 6). With our public confession, we are indwelled with the Holy Spirit. But we don’t always tap into that power.

Imagine you received a gift to clear some land you just bought. Your wife gave you a brand new chainsaw. You put that on a shelf and a couple of weeks later begin clearing the land. But instead of using the powerful chainsaw, you break out your pocket knife. By the end of the day, you’ve got a stubby knife and bloody knuckles. You had the gift of a powerful tool to use but opted not to use it.

Sometimes, we are like that concerning the Holy Spirit. At our baptism, we are infused with the same power that raised Jesus from the dead (Ephesians 1). But for multiple reasons, we try to do the work ourself rather than tapping into the power that lives within us. So, how do we know if we are walking in the Spirit? What does it look like to live by the Spirit?

The Apostle Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 12-13. In chapter 12, Paul describes the GIFTS of the Spirit and in chapter 13, Paul describes the FRUIT of the Spirit. While each of us have at least one gift of the Spirit, our lives should reflect fruit of the Spirit. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 13:1-2 that we can have multiple gifts but if we don’t have love for others (one of the fruits of the Spirit listed in Galatians 5), it doesn’t mean a thing. We’ve missed the point if the fruit of the Spirit (love, patience, peace, joy, faithfulness, gentleness, kindness, goodness, and self-control) is not evident in our daily lives. And it’s the Holy Spirit who makes it possible for our lives to evidence this kind of living.

So, how do I keep step with the Spirit and allow him to transform my life? Peter tells us in Acts 2 on the day of Pentecost. We are called to repent meaning saying I’m sorry for the way I’ve lived and want to live to God’s glory. We fully surrender our life to Jesus, asking him to take over. We ask God to send his Holy Spirit to guide us and change us. And then believe Jesus is everything he said he is…we claim the power and promise of Jesus in our lives. When you make this move, everything will be different for you. Saying “yes” to the promise of God will give you the life you’ve always dreamed of. Blessings on your journey.

Supernatural Person.

Recently, we had the rolling blackouts with the winter storm that hit north Texas mid-February. Each of us were reminded how much we use electrical power in our lives. There was no power for lights, cooking, heat…we were not comfortable without power.

Spiritually speaking, I wonder how many of us would be alright without the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives? A.W. Tozer said, “If the Holy Spirit was withdrawn from the church today, 95% of what we do would go on and no one would notice. If the Holy Spirit was withdrawn from the New Testament church, 95% of what they did would stop and everyone would notice.” That early church knew if there was no power of the Holy Spirit working in their lives, there was no church.

The Hebrew word and the Greek word for “Spirit” can be translated as “wind” or “breath”. In Acts 2, a mighty wind came on the disciples and they were filled with the Holy Spirit. So much so, they could do many miracles and the church launched in grand fashion on the day of Pentecost.

Jesus told his disciples in John 14 that when he left earth, God the Father would send another one just like him. Jesus was promising the Holy Spirit to be more than God with us but God in us! And we understand through scripture the Holy Spirit is a person. He has feelings and emotions; he has a will and desire; He has intellect and thoughts.

For many of us, we grew up not hearing much discussion about the Holy Spirit. He was part of the God-head but very distant and obscure. But the Bible is clear that he is a person and we can have a deep relationship with him. It’s because of the Holy Spirit that any of us even came to know Jesus and follow him.

So I want to remind us why we know the Holy Spirit is a person that we can interact with and have a deep relationship with. Acts 5 reminds us that the Holy Spirit can be lied to. Ananias and Sapphire sold land and lied about how much of the proceeds they were giving the church. The Apostle Peter knew that and called them on it. Why would they lie? It’s seems to impress the disciples and the church.

So maybe a way to lie the Holy Spirit is to pretend to be more spiritual than we are. Me pretending to impress you seems to be offensive the the Spirit. So praising on Sunday morning but yelling at my family at home seems to be hypocritical. Celebrating communion but holding a grudge in my heart seems to be hypocritical. Saying we’ll pray for someone with no intention to do so seems to be pretending. Looking like you are a great spouse in public but then demeaning your spouse at home seems to offend the Holy Spirit.

And when we live this kind of life, it seems to grieve the Holy Spirit. Paul the Apostle tells us in Ephesians 4:30 that we should not grieve the Holy Spirit. Don’t bring sorrow to God’s Holy Spirit by the way we live. I mean, you can’t bring sorrow to something that isn’t real. So clearly, the Spirit is a person and our actions can hurt him. Why? Because He deeply loves us and knows us!

Ultimately, the Holy Spirit can be your friend. In John 14:16, Jesus says the Father will send an Advocate. That Greek word can also be translated as “friend”. So, God will send a friend who will always be with you. And more than with you, He’ll live in you.

Real friends lift us up, guide us in decision making, prompt us when something isn’t right, give great advice for living, kick us in the pants when we make poor decisions, and love us unconditionally. That’s what the Holy Spirit does for us. He’s our comforter, counselor, helper, guide and friend.

May you be open to discovering the Spirit in your life. May you embrace the friend you have who loves you beyond measure. May you accept the guidance the Spirit wants to give you in this life. Blessings on the journey.


I know you have a comeback story. I moment when the chips were down and you were not sure how the next move would go. in 1997, Apple, Inc., had 12 years of losses so they brought Steve Jobs back and within 2 years, their stock shares had risen to $99 a share. Apple is a force to be reckoned with now in the world-wide market place.

My life story is the same. I was raised by a Christian mom and dad who pointed me toward Jesus. But at 18 when I left home, I had my own plans. So I started living in ways that did not look like Jesus. I did not go to church, read the Bible, or hang with Jesus-people for about 5 years. I finally realized my plan was not working but I knew Jesus’ plan would. That’s what I had been taught. So I came back to Jesus when there was no light in my life and it’s been a wonderful 28 years in pastoring and ministry.

There are three basic moments in a comeback story. And Jesus’ story is the greatest comeback of all time. There’s the moment when you think it’s over. When Jesus was arrested and eventually crucified, the disciples thought it’s over. There is no comeback from a Roman crucifixion. Jesus had been their hope and dream for a different tomorrow but now he was dead. The disciples had to wait Friday night, all day Saturday and into Sunday morning for a different story.

Mary Magdalene goes to Jesus’ tomb early Sunday morning to anoint the body of Jesus. The darkness in her heart matched the darkness of the early morning. Jesus had done so much for her but now he’s dead. And there are moments when you’ve been in the valley as well. The moment you first learned about the affair; when you got fired; when you discovered you couldn’t have kids; when you had to bury a child; when you heard the word “cancer”.

But I want you to know if you are currently in a “Friday” or “Saturday” in your story, it may seem like a long shot but it’s not over yet! As long as there is time on the clock, God is working!

And then there’s the moment you start to believe. It’s tough to believe someone could come back from the dead. We celebrate Easter but more like a decades old family tradition or a church ritual. However, one of the most compelling reminders of Jesus’ resurrection are the number of followers who died for their faith rather than deny it. I mean, why die for something that isn’t true?

The Apostle Paul tells us in Ephesians 1:19-20 that the power that raised Jesus from the dead lives in each of us that believe in the story. That’s an incredible amount of power to overcome within us.

Then there’s the moment the celebration begins. Jesus appears to so many people after his resurrection. One account says he appeared to 500 witnesses in one moment. They ate with him, touched him, spoke with him, and were close to him. Jesus was truly back and alive!

After Jesus ascension, the disciples are told to wait in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit to come. 50 days after Passover, the Holy Spirit comes on Pentecost. The disciples are given incredible power and tell the story of Jesus from the Temple steps. Peter says, “This same Jesus whom you crucified, God has made both Lord and Savior of us all.” It moved the crowd. I mean anyone who walks out of their own grave is exactly who he says he is…King of kings and Lord of lords.

The crowd asked “what must we do to be saved?” And Peter told them to change, be transformed, repent and be baptized…and they did. Thousands were baptized that day and the first day of church was a major success. We are the ancestors of that Pentecost Day so many years ago.

So, your comeback story can end in celebration as well. Jesus promised us life and life in the full if we say “yes” to his lordship. Transformation can be complete in your life and you can begin living your best life if you except Jesus for everything he says he is. Satan will pressure you to make excuses of why you can’t or won’t follow Jesus. But know, it’s in Jesus that you can experience all the joy, peace and authentic love you’ve been looking for. Blessings on the journey.