A Thrill of Hope in the Storm

This year, there were 18 named storms in the Atlantic/Gulf and 11 of those made American landfall. Of those 11, 4 were hurricane strength. On average every year in America, storms do $22.8 billion in damage. Storms are tough and they don’t care who gets hurt or the loss they create.

It’s true metaphorically in our lives as well. Storms are tough. Someone once said, “If you not coming out of a storm or in a storm, there’s one just around the corner waiting on you.” In other words, storms in our lives are inevitable. Some of you are in a storm right now.

For some, it’s going through a tough divorce. For another, it’s watching your adult children make poor life choices. Still others, it’s fighting through financial stress, especially this time of year. Others are hanging on through by their fingernails as they fight depression and anxiety. And of course, we all know older family members who are experiencing chronic and ongoing illness that affect our breathing, movement and heart. What do you do when you’re in the middle of the storm?

You never allow the presence of a storm to cause you to doubt the presence of God. He’s Immanuel (Matthew 1:23)…He is God with us.”

While we like to point to the Devil as the source of our issues (and overall that would be true), sometimes we have storms in our life just because of you. Sometimes there are storms because you spend too much money. You ran up the credit cards and took out a second mortgage and now those bills have come due. Your emotions got the best of you and you said some things during your fight to the one you love that can’t be taken back. You procrastinated. You decided to push off that budget meeting, that homework, studying for the final, buying Christmas gifts and now, it’s the eleventh hour. Everyone told you not to date him but you did anyone and now you are discovering why.

But sometimes, you’re in the storm and it’s really not your fault. Your parents are getting a divorce and as their child, you are stuck in the middle. The company you work for decided to do something different and now revenues are down so you find yourself out of a job. You trusted someone and took their word they’d come through. You did your part but they never showed up and now you are left holding the bag.

Paul knew disappointment. He writes Timothy in Ephesus in 2 Timothy 4:16-17 and reminds him that even when everyone left him and walked away, God stood with him. Because God is Immanuel, God with us.

There’s a popular story in Mark 4. Jesus and the disciples are in a boat on the Sea of Galilee at night when a massive storm comes up. These experienced fishermen thought they were going to drown. They thought life was over until Jesus stood up to calm the storm. With Jesus’ words, the sky cleared, the waves stopped and wind was gone. See, peace is not found in the absence of the storms but in the presence of Jesus. Jesus told John, “In this world, you will have trouble but take heart, I have overcome the world.”

See my faith isn’t about what I see but in what God says! My faith isn’t in a boat but who commands the wind and waves. My faith isn’t in a ship but the one who created the trees that built the ship. You can’t control how big the storm is in your life or the damage it may bring but you can control what you believe about Immanuel and recognize He is with you in your storm.

The Psalmist writes in Psalms 46:1-3, “God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. So we will not fear when earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea. Let the oceans roar and foam. Let the mountains tremble as the waters surge!” No matter the storm in my life, I am trusting God Almighty. He has told me He will never leave me. He walks with me. He’s already in tomorrow preparing a place for me. My peace is not in the absence of the storm but in the presence of my God. Blessings on the journey.


When you have young children and you and your spouse are going out, kids have questions. “When are you coming home?” “How long are you going to be gone?” “Where are you going?” They have some angst, some worry, some concern. They want to know, how do we get along without you?

I’m guessing the disciples felt the same when Jesus said he was leaving and going back to the Father. And to top it all off, Jesus says in John 16:7, “It’s better that I go away so I can send the Holy Spirit…” Really!!!! It’s better to be without Jesus than with him? Jesus is saying, “It’s better to have God IN YOU than God with you.” Jesus has promised not to leave his followers alone like orphans but the Spirit of God will always be in us for multiple reasons.

When the Holy Spirit is present with us, He convicts us of our sin. Jesus tells us that in John 16:8. The Spirit reminds us we need a savior and his name is Jesus. There are moments we are convicted to say something different or do something different. Some call that our conscious but that’s the Holy Spirit reminding us there is a better way.

How many of us who follow Jesus have spent 6 minutes hammering out a FaceBook response but before we hit send, we deleted it and just said “okay”? How many of us have been tempted to “set someone straight” but held the words back and just smiled? Those moments are Spirit-driven moments where he is guiding us to be more like Jesus.

And the Holy Spirit also confirms our salvation in Christ. He is constantly affirming us to God the Father, reminding us that we are his children. The Apostle Paul tells us in Romans 8 that our spirit joins the Holy Spirit affirming we are God’s children and also in Ephesians 1, Paul uses adoption language to remind us we are God’s sons and daughters.

Finally, the Holy Spirit comforts us in all our troubles. Jesus called him an “Advocate” in John 14 which can also be translated “comforter”. The Spirit provides us the peace that passes all understanding. And you’ve watched other followers of Jesus bear up under enormous pressures. You think that there is no way you could handle what the world is throwing at them. But yet these followers have smiles and joy and forgiveness and a peace. It’s because the Holy Spirit is with them and they are comforted despite the despair.

So how do we connect in such a way as to allow the Spirit to give us that peace we long to have? Well, you certainly have to be intentional about the relationship. You have to place yourself in a spot where you can experience and feel the “wind” of God. So rather than constantly being on your social media, carve out some intentional time to be present with the Spirit. Instead of right before bed and right when you wake up needing a screen in from of your face, why not create quiet moments to be still before God?

The truth is when you’re intentional about the relationship, you don’t get more of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit gets more of you. So the challenge is to carve out time everyday to be in the Word, to be in prayer, and to be receptive to the Spirit of God in your life. Don’t do it tomorrow; start today. Blessings on your journey.

Peace in Presence

In the quiet early morning, as the sun’s first rays peak over the horizon, we may sense the presence of God. But as the day wears on and the demands of everyday life bear down upon us, we may become so wrapped up in earthly concerns that we forget to praise the Creator.

God is everywhere we have ever been and everywhere we will ever be. When we turn to Him often, we are blessed by His presence. But, if we ignore God’s presence or rebel against it altogether, the world in which we live soon becomes a spiritual wasteland.

Since God is everywhere, we are free to sense His presence whenever we take the time to quiet our souls and turn our prayers to Him. But sometimes, amid the incessant demands of everyday life, we turn our thoughts far from God; when we do, it feels hopeless.

Are you tired, discouraged, or fearful? Be comforted because God is with you. Are you confused? Listen to the quiet voice of your Heavenly Father. Are you bitter? Talk with God and seek His guidance. Are you celebrating a great victory? Thank God and praise Him. He is the Giver of all things good. In whatever condition you find yourself—whether you are happy or sad., victorious or vanquished, troubled or triumphant—celebrate God’s presence. And be comforted in the knowledge that God is not just near. He is here.

So get up and move. God has things He wants to show you. Listen closely and stay on His path, focused on His Kingdom. Blessings on the journey.