What Were You Thinking?

Here’s a proven way to build character: learn to control the direction of your thoughts Your thoughts, of course, are intensely powerful things. Your thoughts have the power to lift you up or drag you down; they have the power to energize you or deplete you, to inspire you to greater accomplishments or to make those accomplishments impossible.

How will you and your family members direct your thoughts today? Will you follow the instructions of Paul in Philippians 4:8 by dwelling on those things that are honorable, true, and worthy of praise? Or will you allow your thoughts to be hijacked by the negativity that seems to dominate our troubled world?

Are you fearful, angry bored, or worried? Are you so preoccupied with the concerns of this day that you fail to thank God for the promise of eternity? Are you confused, bitter, or pessimistic? If so, God wants to have a little talk with you.

Watch what you think. If your inner voice is, in reality, your inner critic, you need to tone down the criticism now. And while you’re at it, train yourself to begin thinking thoughts that are more rational, more accepting, and less judgmental.

It’s up to you and your loved ones to celebrate the life that God has given you by focusing your minds upon “whatever is commendable.” So form the habit of spending more time thinking about your blessings and less time fretting about your hardships. Then, take time to thank the Giver of Life for the gifts that are, in truth, far too numerous to count!

With less media intake and the help of the Holy Spirit, you can do this. Get into God’s Word. Talk to God through prayer everyday. Continue to focus on blessing and not cursing. Be the light. Blessings on your journey.