Some of us like down time. You know, when it’s quiet and you can collect your thoughts. However, we can’t stay there very long. We were created to be in community. Think about the last time you laughed with a friend so hard you stomach hurt. What about the late night shenanigans moment when you toilet papered someone’s yard…What about the moment you told something that was very private to a close friend and they hugged you up in affirmation?
Yes! We’ve all got moments that we remember when we lived heartily in community. We were made for community…to be together. Now, there are no promises it will always be light and airy with the people we chose to live out life with but tough or easy, we were made to journey together.
God have us family, both physical and spiritual. And in those families we learn what it means to live out loud. There are people in your life that you can name right now that helped you be the person you are today. Go ahead. Say 4 names out loud that poured into you, affirmed you, walked with you, held you up, and cheered for you. Do you remember how you felt? Like someone cared and knew you. But living in community isn’t always about receiving. It’s also about giving.
So now, it’s your turn to pour. Who are the 3-4 people right now that you are walking with? Who are the people in your life that you are affirming and cheering for? You do you pour into?
As people who have been gifted by God, we are equally called to share that giftedness with others. Now, it stands to reason that of course you’d cheer for your kids or grandkids. You no doubt are affirming your spouse. Those are given. I mean if you aren’t pouring into them, who will. So beyond those people, who this year have you chosen to walk with.
You know, Paul in Ephesians 4:11 reminds us that we have gifts and it’s our responsibility to equip God’s people to do his work and build up other Jesus followers. If you find yourself creating excuses of why you are not doing that, I feel you. We all could create multiple reasons why we can’t cheer for, affirm or pour into anyone. But then, I’d look like every other person in the world but we’re called to be different.
No matter where you are, decide today, right now, in this moment, you’re going to be different…that you’re going to pay it forward. Someone lifted you. Now, it’s your turn. May God grant you the vision to see who you can walk with. May God allow room and margin on your calendar to find someone to affirm and cheer. We were made for community. The call as a follower of Jesus is to live that way. Blessings on your journey.