Marriage is a Partnership

Genesis 2 and 3 remind us that Adam and Eve were in it together, during the good and bad, for life. As we look at the totality of Scripture, we see the picture painted that marriage is more than a contract or marriage license, it’s a holy covenant between two people and God.

See, a contract is based on mutual distrust. Since I don’t know you well enough to take you at your word, I’m making you sign a piece of paper that commits you to follow through to do what you said you would do.

A covenant though is based on mutual commitment. The original Hebrew word means a cutting, binding agreement. In ancient times, two people would bring animals to the agreement, cut them in half then walk through the blood of the sacrifice. In doing so, they were saying, “May I be as these animals if I don’t follow through with my end of the bargain.” It was a powerful reminder of the intensity of the promise.

In marriage, a covenant partnership is Godly leadership and mutual submission. Paul reminds Christ followers what that looks like in Ephesians 5:21-33. The first thing Paul says is that each spouse submits to the other out of reverence for Jesus. In other words, because of what Jesus did for us (He died for us), we submit to one another. Paul goes on to say that when we choose to love and respect each other, a beautiful union happens between married couples.

Your marriage will be as good as both of YOU decide it will be. You can’t always change the person you are with but you can change you. It won’t ever be easy. There is always a choice. And it will always, always, always take dying to self.

We can be united or untied. The difference is where the “I” is located. And where should the “I” be located? Submitted to Christ. If we all will do that, our relationships will be more beautiful than we ever could have planned on our own. Blessings on your journey.