I am an Ambassador

At the White House, adjacent to the West Wing sits the Eisenhower EOB (Executive Office Building). In that building sits a chair. It’s the same chair the Ambassador from Japan sat in as he dictated a 14-part message about the breakdown of negotiations between Japan and America. At that very moment, Pearl Harbor was being bombed. He was the highest ranking representative from Japan and spoke for the emperor.

The Apostle Paul reminds us in 2 Corinthians 5, that we have a message from Christ. In deed, we are the message from Christ. The message is that in Christ, we are brand new. Through Christ, we have been reconciled back to God. Reconciliation means “restored to the Divine”…to take what’s broken spiritually and make it right. So, as followers and believers, we are ambassadors for Christ sent from Heaven to earth to proclaim this message. And when you know who you are, you’ll know what to do.

As an ambassador, you are not elected by people but chosen and appointed by God. See, it doesn’t matter what other people might think of you. God has chosen you, So many times, we let what others think of us dictate how engaged we are with presenting the message of Jesus. Our high school/university friends say, “I know who you are…I’ve seen the things you have done and said. You want to be a follower of Jesus?!” And the laughing begins.

But Jesus himself said in John 15, “You did not choose me. I chose you.” Even with our mess ups and poor life choices, Jesus still picked us to represent him on earth. We are called to be the message of Jesus to those around us.

Remember all the issues the Saul (who became the apostle Paul) did early in life? He was an up and coming Pharisee in Jerusalem. But in Acts, he was going to tear the church down. We are introduced to him as he holds the coats of the men who stoned Stephen to death in Acts. Then he’s on the way to Damascus to arrest other Jesus-followers when Jesus appears to him. Jesus tells him to go ahead to Damascus and wait for a guy named Ananias who will teach him, heal him and baptize him. Jesus tells Ananias, “I’ve chosen Paul (despite his previous actions) to be my spokesman.” And that’s exactly what he’s done for us…called us to follow and be an ambassador for him.

Equally, you never represent yourself but you always represent God. Knowing everything he was going to endure for our sake—humiliation, beating, crucifixion—Jesus said in John 6:38, “It is not my will but the will of the one who sent me.”

Jesus has sent you to be his ambassador. That’s a call to get out of your comfort zone and embrace those around you with the message of reconciliation. How many times have you been in the break room at work, or talking with your next door neighbor, or discussing something with the cashier at Wal-Mart and sensed something was not right? That’s the insight of the Holy Spirit reminding you in the moment to ask a question, pray over someone, put an arm around someone and remind them, Jesus is present and with them.

For those of us a little shy and unsure, remember what Paul said in Galatians 2:20, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” We are empowered by the very same power that raised Jesus from the dead so go on…be brave…know you’ve been called to be an ambassador for Jesus Christ. You represent the King of kings and Lord of lords. Blessings on your journey.