When I was in the Air Force between 1989-1996, I was issued things I’d need when I went into battle. So, because of my position as an mobile aerial port specialist and rigger, I was issued an M-16, a helmet, a flack jacket, a gas mask and other pieces that would aid my success to the mission. Paul talks about the things we need to put on in order to be successful in our spiritual battle against the enemy. Those items are found in Ephesians 6:10-18.
Paul tells us to put on the belt of truth. Look, Satan is the father of lies (John 8:44) so in order to remind ourselves, we need the truth that God gives us. Truth is what we use to combat the number one means the enemy uses to mess up your life and that is deception. Satan will use our culture, family of origin, our past mistakes to tell you lies about who you are. But Paul reminds us in Ephesians 2:10 that we are “God’s masterpiece, created new in Christ Jesus to do good things.”
Paul tells us to put on the breastplate of righteousness. This is not talking about our saved condition since God has brought us from darkness to light through Jesus but more of a call to holy living…set-apartness from the world. As we follow Jesus every day, we try to look more and more like him. And in doing so, we look less like the world. James 4:17 tells us if you know what to do but fail to do it, it is sin. Live in a way that helps the world know you serve Jesus Christ.
He also calls us to put on the shoes of peace which is referring to sharing the Gospel with other people. We want everyone to know the hope they can have in Jesus so we don’t shy away from talking about how Jesus can change your life for the better. We offer a peace-filled life in Christ to all who would accept.
Pick up the shield of faith. We have an undeniable faith in Jesus to save us. Satan will come at you with lies, accusations, doubt, struggles and temptation. The shield of faith is taking the promises of God, the character of God and the power of God and holding those up against everything Satan throws at you. We have faith in what God says about us and how he will save us.
Put on the helmet of salvation is Paul’s charge. We live in such a way that our faith in that salvation makes every decision for us. Look, 90% of all spiritual battle occurs in the mind. So we transform the way we think by allowing the Holy Spirit to rule our thoughts and way of life. Jesus says in John 15, abide in me. He’s calling us to live with the kind of faith that helps us stay connected to him.
Pick up the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. It’s how Jesus battled Satan in the wilderness in Matthew 4. After every temptation, Jesus said, “It is written…” Jesus knew the Bible and used its power against the Devil. So, my challenge is for you to memorize at least 10 verses this summer. Commit to memory those verses that will help you battle Satan. Some of those might be Ephesians 2:10, Galatians 2:20, John 3:16, and Philippians 4:13.
Finally, pray all the time. Prayer is powerful and should be a part of your daily life. If you aren’t talking to God every day, you are simply inviting the enemy to attack. Prayer is simply talking to God about your hopes, dreams, your marriage, your kids, your church, ministry opportunities and the list goes on.
So our challenge is to put on the whole armor of God in order to combat the enemy. Be in God’s Word every single day. Pray all the time. Make sure you’re asking God to give you wisdom and vision in the day to day battle the goes on. Blessings on the journey.