I have had the privilege of visiting the Louvre in Paris, France. The museum is full of incredible pieces of art and at the end of the tour, you’ll be swimming because of so much visual stimulation. One of the pieces in the museum is the famous Mona Lisa by DeVinci. Currently, it’s worth $770 million. But did you know, God has designated you as worth more than that? God says you’re different, unique, priceless. You are created by the ultimate artist, God, to bring him glory and honor in your life.
The Apostle Paul tells us in Ephesians 2:1-10, that each of us were living in darkness and sin before we proclaimed Jesus as our King and Savior. In Christ, we are brand new, clean, found righteous and in good standing with God. And our right-standing with God has nothing to do with what we’ve done…everything to do with what Jesus did. We are not saved by our good works but saved for good works.
Ultimately, you were created for the Master’s purpose. The Psalmist tells us in Psalm 139 that God knew our story and all our days before one of them came to be. In all of history, you were the perfect person to be born right now to give God glory through your life.
I have used tools before incorrectly. For example, I’m up on a ladder with a cordless drill and I see a nail sticking out, I’ve incorrectly used the handle of the drill to hammer the nail in. That’s not what a drill is used for. In our life, sometimes we don’t know our purpose so we incorrectly use it by filling it with inappropriate sexual relationships or drugs and alcohol or being a workaholic. But you don’t ask the thing what’s its purpose is, you ask the one who created it. So, God reminds us that we exist to bring God glory and honor in our life.
God also reminds us through the Apostle Peter that we have everything we need to do everything God wants you to do (2 Peter 1:3). With you talents and giftedness, your life experience, your relationships, you have all the pieces need to get in sync with God’s purposes for you.
Finally, God uses everything in your life to bring about his purposes. Paul tells us in Romans 8:28, “…we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” “Everything” includes the good things and not so good things. It includes the things you wanted to happen and the things you never wanted to happen. In Christ, God works in all things to bring about his purposes if we remain in Christ and live to glorify him.
You may be saying, “I’m not good enough” but remember, He’s already said you’re a masterpiece. You may be saying, “I don’t like myself”. Then let God remake you. He’s the potter, you are the clay. You’re a masterpiece of God…his crowning love and joy. Once you know who you are, you’ll know exactly what to do. Blessings on the journey.