At the end of the movie, “Castaway”, Tom Hanks plays a marooned FedEx employee who has to fight for his life on a barren island. Finally rescued, he gets back home to Memphis, TN where he discovers everyone has moved on. At the end of the movie, he is literally at a crossroads in the countryside deciding which way to go.
A crossroads is where two roads intersect. Two different things come together. As followers of Jesus, we find everyday that different people cross our paths…we intersect with others. As Christ-followers, our call is to tell the story of Jesus and how He’s changed our life every chance we get. And any time people intersect with us is a great time to share our life with them.
Jesus tells two stories in Matthew 13:44-46. Both are about finding treasure. One person stumbles on the treasure accidentally; another person is intentionally seeking the treasure. Both give up everything to have the treasure and both end up with the treasure. Those of us who found Jesus either stumbled upon him or we intentionally sought him out. But either way, both ended up with Jesus.
And because we are disciples, we are called to help others find Jesus too. I believe the Holy Spirit creates space every single day of our lives to intersect with others and in those moments, it’s a great opportunity to share what Jesus has done for us. There are several ways we can impact others with our story for the cause of Christ.
One way is just showing interest in the other person. Have you every noticed in a group when someone becomes emotional and gets vulnerable, humans try to change the subject? It’s just uncomfortable to see someone’s pain when we feel we can’t do anything about it. But let me encourage you to lean into that moment. You can show real interest by asking questions. There’s something very powerful in asking questions rather than coming with data. Create space with others to grow relationally by asking questions.
A second way is intercession. Pray specifically for people by name. When you pray for others by name you tend to check on them differently, don’t you? We follow up by seeing how the situation has changed. It makes us think about them often and how they are doing.
Another way is watching for life’s interruptions. When someone’s life is unexpectedly interrupted, there is potential for life-changing dialogue. Moments when there is a divorce, a job loss, or a death of someone close creates space to come alongside people with the story of Jesus. In moments of a new birth, a marriage, or a new job creates moments to share Jesus.
Finally, just getting involved with someone by saying something to them or doing something. It’s often messy and inconvenient but sometimes, you are the best person to say something and interact. Sometimes, you are the answer to prayer.
The challenge is living each day with an open hand and open heart for those around you. Know the Spirit will cross your path with others whom you can share the importance of Jesus. You have the ability within you to help others see how important Jesus can be to them. Blessings on the journey.