Right now, we all are a little stressed out. We can’t leave our home, we tired of Zoom schooling, we can’t visit our friends, we’ve watched every Netflix episode, our food bill is sky-high…we are a little overwhelmed. 62% of college students are overwhelmingly anxious about school for the future. 75% of hospital visits are induced by some sort of anxiety.
King David gives us some answers concerning his anxiety and how we addressed it. He doesn’t give us “5 Steps to overcoming anxiety” but he does write with emotion and allows us to enter his story. Psalm 55 is one of those moments where David is feeling overwhelmed but knows who to go to when he feels this way.
David starts the Psalm praying honestly about his anxious feelings. He’s vulnerable which is a tough thing for a guy with his reputation. Remember, he killed a giant so all Israel knows his prowess. Yet, he can say he needs help and rescue from God. We cannot let the expectations from the world deter us from being honest about how we are feeling and express those feeling to a loving Father.
We also see that David moves from generic to specific in his prayer. Paul says in Philippians 4, “Don’t be anxious about anything but in everything, make it know to God”. Be specific in what you want from God and how you feel about the thing happening in your life. I feel the most spiritual prayers are unscripted, honest prayers.
So what is causing you anxiety and worry right now? Your health or the health of your family? Your job? Financial stability? A relationship that has betrayed you? Your marriage? Your kids? The future? You’ve got things going on your life right now you want to have comfort concerning. You want to know God is with you no matter what.
So David feels the same way and he begins talking to himself about God. He started talking to God but then changed to talk to himself about who God is and God’s promises. He’s talking to God about his anxiety then begins talking to his anxiety about who God is. David begins turning down the volume of the noise around him and turns up the volume on God’s voice.
You have to do the same. You must turn up the volume on God’s voice and his promises to you. You must turn up the voice of God reminding you he is your rescuer, redeemer, healer, Father, comfort and guide. He’s real and authentic. He’ll never leave you. When we do that, worship drowns out worry.
David closes out Psalm 55 by saying in verse 22, “Give your burdens to the Lord and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.” And so your challenge today and in the days to come is be honest with God how you feel. Talk to him morning, noon and night. And realize He’s with you. He’ll never leave you. He’s got this. Blessings on your journey.