Serve's Up!

Do you know what 54% of teens want in life? To be a celebrity. Now, we all would like a little bit of celebrity life. Just in the spotlight for a moment. It’s ingrained in us as Americans. We don’t mind being the life of the party, at least most of us. We would like to be the GOAT (Greatest of All Time) in our particular field.

But Jesus’ kingdom is upside-down. Jesus says in Matthew 23:11, “If you want to be the greatest (in my kingdom) you must be servant of all.”. Now that’s a total opposite of what the world says.

I mean, how do you want to be remembered? In Acts 9, there’s a woman who passes away. Everyone in her community was weeping. She was so kind, compassionate, and giving of herself. She made clothes for everyone and gave them away. She was such a servant hearted person.

So, during this current crisis, we, as people who claim to follow Jesus Christ, must deny ourselves and be like Jesus. Most of the time, being the greatest in the kingdom means working behind the scenes, doing things that seem invisible, and never self-promoting.

Like David in 1 Samuel 17. This is the chapter when he kills Goliath and becomes a household name in Israel. But before he does that, he is simply serving behind the scenes. Jesse, David’s dad, knows his other sons are serving in the army of Israel and they are out on a campaign. So, he sends David with food to his brothers. Here is the future, greatest king of Israel, serving meals behind the scenes.

Or the story of Jesus entering Jerusalem in Luke 19. He tells the disciples to go into town and bring him a donkey to ride into town. This will fulfill a prophecy made by Zechariah some 550 years before the event. So they go and find the donkey, untether it and the owner asks, “What are you doing with my donkey?” The disciples explain that the Lord, the Messiah, needs it. So, the owner tells them to take it and use it. We don’t know his name even but he wants to be a part of the story with no fanfare. He’s quietly sharing what he has.

Then there’s Jesus on the Thursday night of his betrayal in John 13. He’s in the upper room with disciples eating the Passover meal. The disciples are at the table arguing over who is the GOAT, who will be the greatest in Jesus kingdom. Jesus hears the discussion, looks around the table, sees proud hearts, and gets up to serve. He begins to wash the disciples feet. The Creator of the Universe and King of all kings is down on his knees humbly serving.

As we follow Jesus, we look at these stories and realize we too are called to humbly serve. We are not looking to be the greatest but simply to be Jesus. So, during this current crisis in our community and certainly after this is all over, find ways to bring a lunch, offer a ride, or carry a towel. There are so many ways you can be an encouragement over social media. Rather than becoming part of the anxious noise, be a calming voice of hope and peace. Find ways to serve those who are 65 years and older. Do they need food, meds, a hand? Give those you know in this category a call and offer help. When you find yourself out in town, be kind and compassionate.

Church, it’s our time to shine. Our time to practice what we preach. Our moment to show the world what they are missing in Jesus who is the Prince of Peace. May you find ways to be Jesus in this chaos. Find ways to help calm the storm. Discover who you can serve and lift up. Blessings on the journey.